Rare and Sought After [USED] A Treatise On The Derbyshire Mining Customs And Mineral Courts Act 1852

[USED] A Treatise On The Derbyshire Mining Customs And Mineral Courts Act 1852

[USED] A Treatise On The Derbyshire Mining Customs And Mineral Courts Act 1852
SKU 10221
Weight 0.23 kg


Thomas Tapping, HB, 165pp, 1854 first edition

Mining Customs Articles And Practice and Proceedings. Duties and customs of the Wappentake of Wirksworthand the Manors or Liberties of Crich, Ashford, Stoney Middletonand Eyam, Litton, Peak Forest,,Tideswell and Youlgreave in the County Of Derby and Secondly the Practice and Proceedings of several great and smallbarmotte Courts of the above mentined places. With notes guides and copious Index