Midlands: Derbyshire, Nottingham, Staffordshire, Shropshire, Warwickshire, Lincolnshire Shropshire and Staffordshire Staffordshire [USED] Miscellaneous accidents in mines: With special reference to the North Staffordshire Coalfield; Their causes, and the means of diminishing their frequency

[USED] Miscellaneous accidents in mines: With special reference to the North Staffordshire Coalfield; Their causes, and the means of diminishing their frequency

[USED] Miscellaneous accidents in mines: With special reference to the North Staffordshire Coalfield; Their causes, and the means of diminishing their frequency
SKU SKU155421
Weight 1.30 kg


Arthur Robert Sawyer,Hb, 278pp + Appendix with various coloured pullouts and information table John Heywood 1889