Midlands: Derbyshire, Nottingham, Staffordshire, Shropshire, Warwickshire, Lincolnshire Shropshire and Staffordshire Shropshire Cent Ans de Conventions Collectives: Arras, 1891/1991 ( Ivor Brown article on mining in Shropshire)

Cent Ans de Conventions Collectives: Arras, 1891/1991 ( Ivor Brown article on mining in Shropshire)

Cent Ans de Conventions Collectives: Arras, 1891/1991 ( Ivor Brown article on mining in Shropshire)
SKU SKU14394
Weight 0.03 kg


O. Kourchid & R. Trempe, paperback (stapled), pages 133-141.

Contains the article 'The Chartermaster system of mine management in Shropshire, England, in the 19th Century' by Ivor J.Brown.