British Mining No 98 - Memoirs 2014
NMRS, Memoirs 2014, SB, A5, 112pp
•Excavation of an early lead smelting site at Hagg Farm, Fremington, Swaledale (Richard Smith, Timothy Laurie, Alan Mills & Rob Vernon)
•Warwickshire coal mining (Nigel A. Chapman)
•East Pant du lead mine (Tony King)
•Some major limestone workings in the West Riding of Yorkshire (John Goodchild)
•Notes on opencast coal workings in the West Riding coalfield before 1941 (John Goodchild)
•Victoria Engine, Blakethwaite Mine, Gunnerside (Mike Gill)
•Horse whims and gins, a study (Mike Gill, Tom Knapp & Peter Gallagher)
•The enigma of the origins of the London Lead Company mining activities in Teesdale, County Durham (William Heyes)