Cornwall and Devon

Cornwall and Devon


Mining in Cornwall and Devon Mines and Men
Roger Burt with Raymond Burley, Mike Gill, Alasdair Neill, SB, 227mm x 150mm, 272pp, plus CD rom
Mining in Cornwall Volume One: The Central District
J H Trounson and LJ Bullen PB 128pp
Mongst Mines and Mine Explorers 3 DVD Set - Exploration of Cornish Mines above & below ground
I A Recordings, 22 separate fully-edited documentary programmes with commentaries, presented in a special 3-DVD library case.4 Hours 34 minutes (DVDs are also available in NTSC format for the USA)
Mount Wellington: A Forgotten Cornish Mine 1969 – 1981
John Hurr, Sb, 170pp
North Devon Clay - The story of an Industry and its railways
Michael Messenger, HB, 120pp
Princes of the Working Valley - The Day and Night Book of Two Dolcoath Mine Captains 1822 - 23
Alan Buckley, Sb, 135pp
South West Stone Quarries; Building Stone Quarries in the West of England
Peter Stanier, SB, 216 pp, 241 illustrations, full colour
The Great Courts of Devon Tinners 1510 and 1710
Tom Greaves and Phil Newman, A5, sb, 60pp
The Hayle and West Cornwall Railways Penzance to Truro (1834 - 1865)
Roger Langley, David Birch and John Gabb, Hb, 115pp Publisher Trevithick Society 2024 Please note the Hardback is a plain cover and doesnot have a Dust Jacket
The Hayle and West Cornwall Railways Penzance to Truro (1834 - 1865)
Roger Langley, David Birch and John Gabb, Sb, 115pp Publisher Trevithick Society 2024 (Please note the Hardback is a plain cover and does not have a Dust Jacket)
The Mechanical Methods of Dressing Tin Ore Etc: Excursion in Cornwall, 1857
Leon Moissenet (mining engineer), Translated into English by Tony Clarke , HB,175pp
The Tudor Tin Industry
Alan Buckley, SB, 202pp