Tin and Diamonds - A fortune in the making (Life and times of Francis Oates Mine Captain)
Claire Leith, sb, 106
Tin Mining in Cornwall: 1900 to 1950: Decline, Fall and Resurrection [Softback also available in Hardback]
Roger Burt with Michael C. Gill and Norikazu Kudo, Sb, 350pp
[USED] Mines of Devon (Combined Volumes 1&2)
A K Hamilton Jenkin ,Sb, 160pp, 246mm x 147mm 34 B&W photos, various plans and diagrams combines Volues 1& 2
[USED] A guide to Industrial Archaeology in Exeter
Chitty, Michael, Exeter Industrial Archaeology Group, 1971, A4, 24pp
[USED] A History of Copper Mining in Cornwall and Devon
Barton, DB, sb 98pp, Bradford Barton, 1978,
[USED] A History of Copper Mining in Cornwall and Devon first edition
Bradford Barton, Sb, 98pp, Truro Bookshop, 1961, first edition
[USED] An historic photographic record of the Mines of Devon and Cornwall
Peter Stanier HB 108pp , Twelveheads Press 1998