[USED] General View of the Agriculture and Minerals of Derbyshire With Observations On the Means of Their Improvement Drawn Up for the Consideration of the Board of Agriculture and Internal Improvement Volume III
John Farey, hb, 522pp - rebound, R McMillan 1817 Drawn up for the consideration of The Board of Agriculture Volume 111
[USED] General view of the Agriculture and Minerals of Derbyshire John Farey (1766-1826) an unrecognised polymath
Trevor D. Ford & Hugh S. Torrens, soft back, Peak District Mines Historical Society Limited, 1989.
[USED] Geology Explained: in The Peak District
E Wolverson Cope, HB, 192pp, Publisher David & Charles 1976 no d/j
[USED] Geology of the country around Buxton, Leek and Bakewell
I Chisholm, T J Charsley and N Aitkenhead, SB, 168pp, BGS 1985
[USED] Guide to The Sporting Caves Potholes & Mines of Derbyshire
Jim Ballard, SB, 104pp, Cicerone Press(1974)
[USED] History of Wetton, Thor's Cave, And Ecton Mines In The Neighbourhood Of Dovedale, Manifold Valley, And Beresford Dale
James Roberts, HB, 184pp, printed by Joseph Osbourne (1900).
[USED] Lead Mining in Derbyshire: History, Development & Drainage - 1. Castleton to the River Wye
JH Rieuwerts, HB, 190pp, Landmark Publishing (2007)
[USED] Lead Mining in Derbyshire: History, Development & Drainage - 2. Millers Dale to Alport and Dovedale
JH Rieuwerts, HB, 142pp, Landmark Publishing (2008)