Field Guide to Stiperstones Mines, Shropshire

Field Guide to Stiperstones Mines, Shropshire
SKU 19429
Weight 0.11 kg


Adrian Pearce, A5, 60pp

Published on behalf of the Shropshire Mines Trust (all monies go to the trust)

The book provides a very usefi;led field guide to the miones of the Stiperstones area, Snailbeach is world famous however the other mines in the area are also worthy of mention. The guide provides grid references and details of each site with a brief history and a photosgraphs of each one. The book is designed in order for the visitor to be spend a day driving around the area to see each site.

The Mines detailed are
1) Snailbeach
2) Central Snailbeach
3) Myttonsbeach
4) Perkinsbeach
5) Burgham
6) Tankerville Lead Mine
7) Pennerley
8) Bog Mine
9) Ladywell Mine
10) Grit Mines
11) Roman Gravels Mine
12) Wood Mine