[USED] A Coal and Iron Community in The Industrial Revolution (then and there series)
John Addy, Sb, 108pp
[USED] De Re Metallica: The Uses of Metal in the Middle Ages
Robert Odell Bork, HB, 420pp, AQshgate 2005
[USED] Dynasty Of Iron Founders - The Darbys And Coalbrookdale
Arthur Raistrick, HB, 308pp, Longmans Green And Co. (1953)
[USED] Elizabethan Copper - The History of The Company of Mines Royal 1568 - 1605
M Bb Donald, HB, 405pp, Michael Moon 1989
[USED] Foundry Craftsmen, The Pattern Maker
Central Youth Employment Executive, 1951, PB, HMSO, 16pp,
[USED] Mines, Mills and Furnaces Industrial Archaeology in Wales
D Morgan Rees, HB, 1969, HMSO, 117pp
[USED] Sidney Ironworks Accounts 1541-1573
Edited for the Royal Historical Society by D. W. Crossley, hardback, 269 pages, Camden Fourth Series, volume 15, Royal Historical Society, 1975.
[USED] The Lead Industry of Wensleydale and Swaledale - Vol 1 The Mines
ArthurRaistrick,A5, Hb, 120pp , Moorland, 1975,