Coal Mining UK Coal Mining - Forest of Dean, Bristol, Somerset The Free Miners of the Royal Forest of Dean and Hundred of St Briavels.

The Free Miners of the Royal Forest of Dean and Hundred of St Briavels.

The Free Miners of the Royal Forest of Dean and Hundred of St Briavels.
SKU 409465
Weight 1.60 kg


Cyril Hart HB 598pp

This is an updated reprint of the 1953 first edition. An authoritative and exhaustive account of the unique ancient right of the Forest of Dean Free Miners in relation to coal, iron ore and stone. The Forest of Dean encompasses its own separate coal and iron ore field with associated significant stone deposits which are mainly covered and surrounded by woodland. No such mineral field which has been developed over the last 2000 years has more distinctive characteristics, peculiarities and such interests. Free mining in the Forest of Dean was for long a privilege but in 1838 it became a statutory right. Through many vicissitudes, the free miners have enjoyed and held tenaciously to their customs and still practice them today. This book comprehensively records and discusses these customs and communicates the author's lifetime enthusiasm for and experience of the Forest of Dean and Hundred of St Briavels.