Caving Basics A comprehensive guide for beginning Cavers
G Thomas Rea (editor), Sb, A4, 188pp, Third Edition National Speleological Society, 1992
The geologic story of Diamond Caverns (Kentucky Geological Survey University of Kentucy Lexington
Preston McGrain. Sb.A5. Publisher: College of Arts and Sciences, University of Kentucky, 1961, Series X. Special publication 6
[USED] A Geological guide to Mammoth Cave National Park
Arthur N. Palmer, Hb, A5, 196pp, Signed copy by author
[USED] Adventures at Mark Twain Cave: The Discovery, History and Development of the Cave
H. Dwight Weaver, SB, 64pp, 1977 Weaver & Johnson
[Used] American Caves and Caving. Techniques, pleasures, and safegaurds of modern cave exploration
Halliday, WR, Harper & Row, 1974, HB, 348pp
[USED] Bibliography of Wyandotte Cave
Angelo I. George, ringbound, 74pp, George Publishing Company (1991)
[USED] Carlsbad Cavern The Early Years
Robert Nymeyer and William R. Halliday, SB, 156pp, Carlsbad Caverns - Guadalupe Mountains Association 1991
[USED] Carlsbad Caverns Silent Chambers, Timeless Beauty
John Barnett, Sb, A6, 35pp, inc. Geological story, types of formations, Bats, History
[USED] Cave Fauna of North America - with remark on the anatomy of the brain and origin of the blind species
A S Packard, HB, 156pp, + 27plates, 1977 Arno Press
[USED] Caves - ( Ronal Kerbo Childrens Press)
Ronal C. Kerbo, SB, 48pp, Children's Press (1981)
[USED] Caves of Maryland
Richard Franz and Dannis Slifer, Sb, A4, 120pp, 1971, reprinted 1976
[USED] Caves of Wyoming
Chris Hill, Wayne Sutherland & Lee Tierney, SB, 230pp, University of Wyoming (1976).