British Mining No 84 - The Scottish Gold Rush of 1869
R M Callender & P F Preston, sb, A5 164pp, 55 pictures / illustrations
[USED] Payable gold. An intimate record of the history of the discovery of the payable Witwatersrand goldfields and of Johannnesburg in 1886 and 1887.
Jas Gray, Hb, Publisher: South Africa. Central News Agency, Limited, 1937
[USED] A Circlet of Gold: Personal Links with Otago Goldfields History
J S Murray and Carol Hawkins Illustrator,sb, 158pp Publisher: Allied Press Dunedin, 1984
[USED] A Difcovery of Subterranean Treasure ( A Difcovery of Subterraneall Treafure 1980 IMM Reprint of 1639 original) :of all Manner of Mines from Gold to Coal Viz.of All Manner of Mines and Minerals, from the Gold to Coal; with Plain directions and ru
Gabriel Plattes, HB, 60pp, Institution of Mining and Metallurgy, reprint 1990 (Title reads A Difcovery of Subterraneall Treafure)
[USED] Beaconsfield Gold, Tasmania, Australia
Jan Critchett (nee Kerrison) SB, A5, 76pp (third Edition) Published by Beaconsfield Rotary Club 2005
Market price: £10.00
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[USED] Black Gold with Grit - The Alberta Oil Sands
Fitzgerald, J Joseph, Evergreen Press, 1978, HB, 264pp
[USED] Claims: Adventures in the Gold Trade
Lefolii, Ken, hardback, 264 pages, Key Porter Books, 1987.
[USED] Fortunes in the Ground , Cobalt, Porcupie & Kirkland Lake (Ontario)
Michael Barnes, Hb, A4, 263pp, Boston Mills Press 1986
[USED] Gems of the Golden State - The 15 Best Caves to Visit in California
Peter and Ann Bosted, Sb, A5, 63pp, colour photo Guide
[USED] Gold - an illustrated history
Vincent Buranelli, Red Dembner Publications, 1979, HB, 224pp