Metal Mines of Llanengan, Mining Ventures in a North Wales Parish
John Bennett and Robert Vernon Sb 170pp, 47 Illustrations & Photographs 4 Tables
From the authors of "Mines of the Gwydyr Forest" a similar analytical and informed approach has been used with an infectious enthusiastic easy to read style which has been adopted.
The relatively unknown Llanengan metal mining field is found on the St. Tudwal's
headland, on the tip of the Lleyn Peninsula, North Wales. Its isolated position meant
that it never was given the same publicity as many of the major metal mining areas.
Nevertheless it was a hive of activity in the latter half of the 19th century, and the
mines were deepened with the aid of steam power, used for pumping water out of the
workings, and for winding ore to the surface. Everything, from mine engines to coal
was brought into the area on ships.
The book details the history of mining in the area from the 17th century through to its
eventual demise at the end of the 19th century. Initially mining was conducted by
partnerships that were eventually superseded by London based companies that
acquired capital to purchase the necessary machinery to deepen the mines.
Now there is very little to show that this area was once a hive of industrial activity,
although the final chapter does suggest a small heritage walk around the area. The
penultimate chapter details the latest research and underground exploration conducted
in the last 20 years.
For a number of years, John Bennett and Rob Vernon were involved with the
historical study of Welsh metal mining. Their series of seven detailed books on the
Gwydyr Forest mines was a substantial contribution to the recording of Welsh mining
history. In addition, they were also involved with mine site conservation projects in
the Gwydyr Forest and elsewhere in Wales. John sadly died in 2019, and Rob is now
involved with other aspects of mining history.
At the time of the publication of the first edition of Metal Mines of Llanengan in
2002, it did take their interests further and brought into the public domain a relatively
unknown Welsh mining area. The publication of this second edition will hopefully
make another generation of mining historians aware of this interesting mining field.
Rob has dedicated the publication to John and Elizabeth Bennett.