


British Mining No 107 – UK Mineral Exploration during the Last Sixty Years
Tim Coleman, A5 ,sb, 244pp
Memoirs of the Geological Survey Special Reports on the Mineral Resources of Great Britain Volumes VII - Mineral Oil, Kimmeridge Oil-shale, Lignites, jets, Cannel Coals Natural Gas, England and Wales
Sir A Strahany, HB, 125pp, His Majesty's Stationery Office, 1920.
Minerals of the English Midlands
Roy Starkey, Sb, 432 large format pages (276 × 218 mm); 943 illustrations; 1000 references; comprehensive index.
Reports on the Mineral Industry of the British Empire and Foreign Countries / Chrome Ore and Chromium
Robert Allen and G E Howling, HB, 9 3/4 "-12" 118pp.Imperial Institute , Mineral Resources Department, 1940
[USED] A second Appendix to the Second Edition of An Index of Mineral Species & Varieties Arranged Chemically
Max Hey amd Peter G Embrey, HB, 168pp, British Museum, 1974
[USED] An Index of Mineral Species & Varieties Arranged Chemically (WIth Appendix to the Second Edition)
Hey, Max, HB, 135pp, British Museum, 1963
[USED] An Introduction to the Physics and Chemistry of Colloids
Emil Hatschek, HB, 107pp, J.& A. Churchill, (1916)
[USED] Bulletin 14 of the Geological Survey Of Great Britain
H G Dines, J R Earp, G W Green, Sb, 90pp, Dept of Scientific and Industrial Research 1958, This is an important volume included is The West Shropshire Mining Region, the Mineral Veins of Minera - Maeshafn and The Central Mendip Lead- Zinc Orefield (Average Condition)
[USED] CBA research report A Multi-Period Salt Production Site at Droitwich: Excavations at Upwich
Edited by J D Hurst, paperback, 164pages, Council for British Archaeology (CBA) Research Report 107 (1997).
[USED] Chrome Ore and ChromiumReports on the Mineral Industry of the British Empire and Foreign Countries
Robert Allen and G F Howling, Hb, 118pp, Imperial Institute, Mineral Resources Department 1940.
[USED] Elements of Ore Dressing
Arthur F. Taggart, HB, 595pp, John Wiley & Son, Inc (1951)
[USED] Exploiting Mineral Wealth -
Platt, John, paperback, 24 pages, University of Wales Press, 1970.