Mining - Non UK by Country World - general [USED] Half Hours in the Far South; the People and Scenery of the Tropics (1897 Edition)

[USED] Half Hours in the Far South; the People and Scenery of the Tropics (1897 Edition)

SKU 19214
Weight 0.60 kg


The Half Hour Library, HB, 342pp, James Nisbet & Co. Ltd (1897)

Discover travel, nature and science for young readers. Chapters include writings of Zambesi, Madagascar, New Guinea, Andaman Island, Argentine Republic, Tristan D’Acunha, Fiji, Trinidad, Monos and Southern Tierra Caliente Mexico

Contains numberous illustrations.
p.293/8 Guacharo Cave of Monos.
p.327 Cave illus. [Cacahuamilpa Cave]
p.331/6 Cacahuamilpa Cave (Mexico)
p.332/3 Cave illus.
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