Industrial Archaeology Follies [USED] The Grotto

[USED] The Grotto

SKU SKU14965
Weight 0.10 kg


Bridgewater, Howard, Paperback, 63 pages, A5, The Rydal Press.

Bridgewater has in this book collated the most important allusions, both pro and con to the so-called 'Grotto' at Margate that have been made during the past 110 years. As the result of personal study thereof and intensive research work, he has become convinced that its origin dates back to pre-Roman times. Incidentally Bridgewater tilts a keen-edged lance at those who, not having seen this remarkable souterrain, have presumed to write about it as though they had; as also against those pseudo 'authorities', the compilers of 'Guide'-books, of their own, have taken refuge in the repetition of one or other of the manifestly foolish stories circulated by envious local gossips.
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