Gold Mining - UK and World [USED] Claims: Adventures in the Gold Trade

[USED] Claims: Adventures in the Gold Trade

[USED] Claims: Adventures in the Gold Trade
SKU SKU15359
Weight 0.70 kg


Lefolii, Ken, hardback, 264 pages, Key Porter Books, 1987.

When a small mining company challenged a huge one in court for ownership of the richest gold mine in the Western hemisphere, their struggle led Ken Lefolii into their contending pasts - and his own.
In 'Claims' he tells their stories and his story: from the gold-smuggling routes of the South China Seas to the stone desert north of Lake Superior; from the deepest gold mine on earth in the western Australian desert to the richest gold mine in history; and, finally, to the courtroom in Toronto where a Supreme Court judge stripped a company named Lac of a billion dollars in the ground.
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