Cumbria Amenity Trust Mining History Society PB 176pp 2002
. I list the Chapters / Articles below. underground exploration and research.
Saltom Colliery,
Fans and Pumps Haig Colliery 1966 - 84
Lamp 184 - Memories of Haig Colliery
Inspection of Stoppings Haig Pit 1966 - 84
The Exploration of Croeser Slate Mine, N Wales
The re - opening of Lucy Tongue Level , Greenside Mine
Furness Mine and Furnace Proprietors
Letters of John Barret 1824 - 1834
Newland Iron Furnace
Coniston Copper Mines Survey 1995 - 2002
Caudale Slate Quarry
Frog Shaft
Haweswater Aqueduct and the Mardale Tunnel
Hugilburn Mine
The Re Opening of Grey Crag Level at Comiston Coppermines
The Kennecott Coppermines , Alaska USA
I am always wary of Club type publications although it is fair to say this Society have produced a nice range of publications over the years. I was therefore extremely pleased when my copies of this particular volume arrived it is excellent, it is well produced has loads of B&W photos, drawings and mine plans. There is something for everyone in this volume with every article well written and illustrated I cannot give this enough praise.Just take my word for it this is one of the better publications to have come out in recent months. I supposed I