[USED] The Lead, Copper & Barytes Mines of Shropshire

[USED] The Lead, Copper & Barytes Mines of Shropshire
SKU 190781
Weight 0.80 kg


Michael Shaw, sb, B5, 310pp, 200 black and white photographs, drawings and plans (a birthday greeting written on opening page)

I have had a short time look at the book, but note the excellent use of aerial and previously unpublished photos from the author and other collections. There is new information regarding Barytes and copper mines and some very good plans and drawings. It is very well structured volume and will be sought after volume in years to come.
The following is a review from the publisher Logaston Press Evidence suggests that mining was almost certainly undertaken in Shropshire in the Bronze and Iron Ages, but it is with the Romans that the county’s mining history can be truly said to have begun. The lead mines continued to be worked in the Middle Ages, producing lead for roofing, pipes and water tanks. But it was the period from the late 1700s to the mid-1900s that saw the busiest period of mining, and in this period Shropshire became famous for its lead mines, most notably Snailbeach and the adjacent Tankerville mines on the western slopes of the Stiperstones.In their heyday (the 1870s and 1880s), these two mines each produced around a quarter to a half of the county’s lead ore, itself some 9 to 12% of the Country’s total output. Whilst lead was the product most often found, a quantity of zinc was obtained as well as small amounts of copper and silver and various earthy minerals, and even smaller quantities of cobalt, vanadium and manganese. In later years calcite and especially barytes (now barite) were mined, this latter mineral
being used in the chemical industry and as an inert filler (in paints, for example) due to its density — for which reason it was also used to provide a shield around the Windscale Nuclear Reactor after the famous ‘incident’.

The first few chapters in this book cover the early history of Shropshire’s mines, then look at the products and what they were used for, and how the mines were financed and worked — tales of boom and bust are numerous. Some of the main players involved are described and the geology of the area is considered. The following chapters then give an account of each mine in some detail, mines being grouped together by area. For some mines there is little evidence on the ground and even less in records; for others there is still a wealth of standing and underground remains, together with copious records. Michael Shaw has scoured the hillsides of Shropshire, spent years researching records and books, and talked to surviving miners and members of the Shropshire Caving and Mining Club who have investigated many of the shafts and levels. The result is this extensively researched book, copiously illustrated with photographs, maps and plans, which gives an informative and often lively history of the Lead, Copper and Barytes Mines of Shropshire, including the associated railways, ropeways, mills and smelters. Mike has always been interested in industrial history, notably that of the railways which served factories, mines and quarries. It was this interest that led him to research the tramway at Cothercott mine and thence to investigating the mines themselves. In so doing he gained a Master of Philosophy degree from Birmingham University having written a thesis on the Shropshire barytes industry. (Barry Johnson)
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