Coal Mining UK Coal Mining - Text Books [USED] The Colliery Manager's Pocket Book Amanac and Diary 1914 + Coalfieds Map. Being forty fifth year of publication

[USED] The Colliery Manager's Pocket Book Amanac and Diary 1914 + Coalfieds Map. Being forty fifth year of publication

[USED] The Colliery Manager's Pocket Book Amanac and Diary  1914 + Coalfieds Map. Being forty fifth year of publication
SKU SKU17116
Weight 0.45 kg


Edited by Hubert Greenwell, stiff cover, at front 28pp adverts + Diary and cash account + 422pp + 72pp at rear adverts + 1914 coalfields map Map, Colliery Gaurdian (creased on front cover)

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